About Harmony Healing 108 Tuning Forks


Why Harmony Healing 108 tuning forks?

Our tuning forks are made in the USA and are the highest quality tuning forks available made with the highest grade aluminum alloy material.  We've tested them against competitors and feel that ours have much smoother, pleasing tones. 

If you are just getting started:

For the individual, we suggest our Clearing/Transmuting set, which is our 108 Hz and 216 Hz tuning forks.  They are a great pair for a practitioner or an individual wanting to have a basic "clearing of stuck energies" set of tuning forks.  They both pull their weight with clearing and transmuting energy.  The 108 will detect and clear your densest energies.  It encourages the body to "remember" the pattern of the Flower of Life  structure.  The 216 will comb and raise the energy and rebuild your pattern to that of one with the structure of the universe.  These two forks will fulfill your fundamental need for energy clearing work.   

The healing begins when the body begins to resonate with the tuning fork.  

The unweighted 108 Hz fork is the foundational tool used in the auric field.  The 108 hertz fork detects and transmutes our most pronounced and stuck energies, clearing and resolving them back into Earth, allowing her to absorb the restricted and unwanted blockages.

The unweighted 216 Hz fork lays the foundation for expansion in your life.  It is the key to feeling safe and secure and that all is well.  This fork will help you relax and feel calm while letting go of doubt and fear.   It supports your vital energy, the consciousness of your own body and inner strength.  With a soft caress, it gently clears stuck energy and adds a sacred energy that can allow an instant knowing of perfect harmony.

For the practitioner, we suggest our Practitioner's Bundle, which is our set of six Body Harmonizing Tuners and our half set of four Torus Field Alchemizing forks.

The Body Harmonizing Tuners set includes:

Our Body Harmonizing Tuners are a complete set of six weighted tuning forks used on the body.

The Body Harmonizing Tuners all have a frequency based on the number nine.  The number nine is known to be the number of completion and perfect harmony.

Use these forks on yourself for healing energy penetrating deeply into your body or as a Practitioner to do a complete vibrational balancing on clients.

The Torus Field Alchemizing Half Set is for the practitioner to use in the aura field to clean out stuck energies and harmonize the body, working with frequencies beginning at 108 HZ, next 216 Hz, 324 Hz, to a final raised frequency of 432 Hz.

This allows a clearing of energies and a raising of the Torus energy. When used in conjunction with the weighted body forks, the client receives an all-over body attunement.